VIP2016-12-02极速之巅美国小贼凯西(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)在国内犯下不计其数的案件。为了活命,他逃到了德国,成为当地大毒枭格兰(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)手下的毒贩,平静的生活下包裹着刀尖上舔血的惊险生活。正在此时,他的爱人朱丽叶特(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones 饰)被发现有严重的肾病且急需要做移植手术。平静的伪装被打破。为了支付女友昂贵的医疗费,凯西决定以生命为赌注做一单大的,却又恰巧将自己卷入以一个牵涉德国最大毒枭哈根(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)的惊天复仇阴谋,此刻不仅仅是他自己,他女友的性命也成了整个阴谋中至关重要的一环。在德国无限速公路上凯西和杀人不眨眼的毒枭组织们展开了激烈的追逐……
免费2016-01-01萨姆曾在这里California, Mojave Desert, 1998. A strange glow appears in the sky. Sam, a forty-something door-to-door salesman, travels through the few inhabited zones of the Californian desert in search of clients, yet everything seems deserted. What's more, his wife won't answer his calls. It's as if everyone were avoiding him. When his car breaks down, Sam becomes a prisoner of the empty, hostile environment. Alone and without human contact for days on end, he listens continuously to a talk-show on the only local radio station. The host, a man named Eddy, takes calls from listeners who share their thoughts on a child killer at large in the area. At the same time, Sam starts getting psychologically harassed by strange threats he receives on his pager. Gradually, people begin to reappear and attempt to kill him. Sam has become a target and he must now defend himself. Little by little he loses it, caught up in a paranoid identity crisis. Is he truly the killer they're after, or is he being driven ...