VIP2015-09-08碟中谍5:神秘国度资深特工伊森·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)也有百密一疏时刻,他在接收最新任务时遭到神秘组织“辛迪加”的暗算落入对方手中。辛迪加是一支由全球各地前特工组成的秘密组织,此前一直被CIA视为空穴来风。在对方成员伊莎·福斯特(丽贝卡·弗格森 Rebecca Ferguson 饰)的帮助下,伊森逃出生天,并及时向威廉•布莱德(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)汇报了辛迪加确切存在的消息。然而此时布莱德的日子并不好过,他负责的IMF机构因俄罗斯核弹头等事件遭到CIA指控并责令解散。在得知该组织密谋刺杀奥地利总统时,伊森联系上了老搭档班吉·邓恩(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)展开行动,并于谜样女郎伊莎再度相会。接下来的一连串事件中,辛迪加的真面目逐渐揭开,而他们也终于显露出真实的目的……
免费2015-01-01黑洞Mattie Carver's world is turning curiouser and curiouser, as space and time seem to be collapsing all around her. Joined by a misfit team of friends, teachers, and two mysterious men in black, Mattie is in a race to restore her world to nor...
免费2015-01-01最黑暗的一天丹从海边醒来,跑到城里看不见人影,好不容易两个人被棒打一顿。他们此时才发现处于一个丧尸的世界。Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army are hunting him down, and the group are forced on a dangerous journey to escape.