免费1983-01-01幸运卢克之达尔顿的遗产The story opens in a Western saloon, where a young musician with a banjo begins to tell a tale of Lucky Luke and his sworn enemies the Dalton brothers: Joe, William, Jack and Averell. Luke has, once again, as he has done many times before, thrown the four outlaws into jail. The prison is also the abode of a guard dog named Rin Tin Can (Rantanplan in the original French language version).No sooner have the Daltons entered the jail than they are met by a lawyer named Augustus Betting. Betting informs the brothers that their Uncle Henry Dalton has died by hanging. However, over the course of his criminal career, Henry Dalton amassed quite a fortune, and has chosen to leave it all to his nephews on the condition that they kill the judge and jury who sentenced him to death. To make sure that the task is completed, Henry Dalton states in his will that his nephews must be accompanied by the only honest man that he has ever known, Lucky Luke. If the task is not successfully completed, the entire fortune will instead be given to charity.The brothers then decide to tunnel out of the jail, but end up digging into the dynamite storage building. When Averell lights a match, the building blows
VIP2009-01-01替身演员弗朗西斯(加德·艾尔马莱 Gad Elmaleh 饰)是一个代客泊车的泊车小弟,善良的他虽然默默无闻,但心中亦有自己的理想和希望。可惜这理想抛弃了他,女友残酷拒绝了他的结婚请求。失意的男人走在街上,身边是一对男女在大声争执。女的名叫伊莲娜(阿丽斯·塔格里奥妮 Alice Taglioni 饰),男的则是知名政客。此时的弗朗西斯不会知道,在某个记者按下快门的那一瞬间,他的生活将会发生翻天覆地的变化。第二天,杂志上的大幅照片引起了轰动。原来,伊莲娜是政客的情人,而为了摆脱和伊莲娜的关系,政客无奈之下只得把刚好经过的弗朗西斯拉上了贼船,让弗朗西斯成为了自己的替罪羊。就这样,弗朗西斯莫名其妙的开始了和伊莲娜的同居生活,面对冷艳高贵的伊莲娜,弗朗西斯会闹出怎样的笑话?