VIP2008-01-01女校风波少女克莱尔·里昂斯(艾伦·马洛 Ellen Marlow 饰)随父母从奥兰多搬到西切斯特,由于尚未找到合适住所,里昂斯一家暂时住在朋友威廉姆·布洛克(David Chisum 饰)的家中。布洛克的女儿梅西(伊丽莎白·麦克洛林 Elizabeth McLaughlin 饰)养尊处优,个性张扬,她所就读的奥克特私立女子中学更是一所云集了高贵娇小姐的学校。在她眼里,衣着质朴、个性单纯的克莱尔如同一只丑小鸭。不同的身份和成长环境令两个女孩之间无法建立平等的友情,梅西和同党们在学校里想方设法整治克莱尔,而克莱尔也受虚荣心的驱使,一心结交这群高贵的小姐们。在这一过程中,她们各自迷失了自己……本片根据美国作家Lisi Harrison同名畅销少女小说的第一部改编。
VIP2008-08-14惊悚机场巴士结束了墨西哥的假期,正值青春年少的梅尔(佩顿·里斯特 Peyton List 饰)和茱尔丝(卡梅隆·古德曼 Cameron Goodman 饰)乘夜晚的航班回到洛杉矶。适值深夜,大雨瓢泼,贪图便宜的两个女孩和刚刚认识的青年塞斯(詹姆斯·辛德 James Snyder 饰)、马特(戴夫·鲍尔 Dave Power 饰)搭上一辆深色的机场巴士。除梅尔等人之外,还有一个中年人与他们同行。四个年轻人相谈甚欢,不知不觉间却被司机(Tony Curran 饰)拉入一条陌生的道路。由于一个意外,巴士半路抛锚。正当众人手忙脚乱之际,司机露出狰狞面目。他收掉他们的手机,并准备实施抢劫。面对这个凶恶的歹徒,她们是该束手就擒,还是伺机逃命呢?
免费2008-01-01海豹突击队Petty Officer Michael Davis (Jeremy Davis) is the newbie to SEAL Team VI, but after his first mission the young soldier is weathered beyond hid years. His first assignment as for the elite black ops squad is as Communications Officer for the micro ground assault team that enabled surgical aerial assaults of strategic targets in Iraq, priming allied forces for the what is now known as Operation Desert Storm. The honor of being part of the special forces unit is enriched by the fact that he is invited into the unit lead by the best, Master Chief Devon Mackefy (Ken Gamble).The team, having just returned from one mission, is called into duty once again, because “Mac is the best”. Feeling the pull of the call, and given no option by the powers that be, our heroes go into the thick of it with the usual disadvantages - tired, short by one man and in need of gearing up in the weapons department; all with their invisibility being paramount.The team is rounded out by Petty Officer Williams (Kristoffer Garrison), Petty Officer Sanchez (Neta De Paula) and Chief Petty Officer Roberts (Zach McGowan). The team’s only contact ii Iraqi is Jamal (Amol Shah), a Kurd who has lost his family to the w