VIP2009-02-06他其实没那么喜欢你GiGi(Ginnifer Goodwin 饰)是个对爱情充满幻想的女孩儿,却在一次次约会中受挫。她的闺蜜Beth(Jennifer Aniston 饰)和Janine(Jennifer Connelly 饰)不断鼓励GiGi在感情中振奋起来,却各自对爱情怀有遗憾。Beth与Neil(Ben Affleck 饰)同居七年,却一直未能等来期待的那枚婚戒。Janine的敏感让她与Ben(Bradley Cooper 饰)的婚姻陷入僵局,而Ben与歌手Anna(Scarlett Johansson 饰)的婚外情更是给他们的婚姻雪上加霜。Anna一边拒绝拥趸Conor(Kevin Connolly 饰)的示好,一边热情似火的期待Ben离开Janine,可是Ben真的能离开Janine来到她的身边么?另一方面Anna的好友Mary(Drew Barrymore 饰)在一个清晨和Conor面对面的不期而遇了。几个女孩儿带着爱情的梦想在城市中跌跌撞撞,而此时一直未遇真爱的GiGi在酒吧老板Alex(Justin Long 饰)的口中听到了让所有女人心碎的话“He is just not that into you!”
免费2012-01-01新灰姑娘Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio, a brilliant conductor. After Aurora's mother died, Valerio hired Irene, a single mother of two girls, to run the household. To Aurora's regret he decides to marry Irene. One day, Aurora happens to meet the boys next door, Freddy and Sebastian, the sons of a wealthy Italo-Austrian family. Freddy is an easy-going chap, though sometimes a little bit arrogant. His brother Sebastian is kind and shy, with a great ability to listen to and understand people, which makes him win Aurora's heart. However, Aurora's life is shattered when her father suddenly dies. Irene, the unloved stepmother, lays hands on the family's assets and turns her late husband's villa into a hotel. Aurora is unable to claim her right to inheritance until her 21st birthday. Irene makes her give up schooling and piano playing. Instead, she has to work as a maid in the hotel. Irene's own daughters, Lucia and Teresina, n...