VIP2014-01-01缪斯Edward Dunstan is an artist obsessed by his muse. Every photograph and every movie conveyed the same meaning: What he wanted to see. His muse waited in vain for him to see her as she was, but he could not. And so, like the mermaid in his latest movie who grew legs and left him, so does his muse. For months his days and nights are filled with watching her on the screen. His anger turns to self-pity... turns to acceptance... Only now does he understand what he put her through. When his latest letter to her is returned, he binds himself in chains and climbs into the very tank of water his muse spent many unhappy hours.
免费2006-05-18超市夜未眠艺术学院学生本(肖恩•比格斯代夫 Sean Biggerstaff 饰 )在被女友苏芝甩了之后,夜夜无法入睡。在经历了两周的不眠之夜后,本决定到超市去上夜班以打发这额外的8小时。在超市上夜班,本遇到了形形色色的人,包括喜欢恶搞的同事巴里和马特、超级迷恋中国功夫的布莱恩,还有收银员莎伦(艾米丽雅•福克斯 Emilia Fox 饰)。在这里,本发现了自己有能停止时间的能力。他一次次在上夜班时停止时间,用自己的画笔去描绘各式女子。不知不觉间,本发现自己喜欢上了莎伦,并且不再失眠。就在本准备展开爱情攻势的时候,误会一个个接踵而至,本又开始失眠了。
免费2016-01-01遇见你之前小露(艾米莉亚·克拉克 Emilia Clarke 饰)是一个年轻又活泼的小镇女孩,不久前突然被咖啡馆解雇,家境不好,学历不高的她,无奈之下只好接下一份需要细心与专业技巧的工作:成为一名四肢瘫痪病人的全职看护。到了病人家中,她才发现看护对象是一名因车祸导致全身瘫痪的年轻人威尔·特雷纳(山姆·克拉弗林 Sam Claflin 饰)。威尔年轻英俊,博学富有,过去热爱旅行冒险,却因一场车祸而一蹶不振,变得自暴自弃又愤世嫉俗;生性乐观的小露向他展示生命的美好。为了让威尔重新展开笑颜,小露使出浑身解数,两人都得到宝贵的的意外收获,重新找到人生与心灵的归属。