免费1938-03-18太阳溪农场的丽贝卡(普通话)8岁的小女孩丽贝卡天生拥有一副好嗓子,她随继父哈里参加某电台的选秀,其歌喉令制作人东尼绝倒,然哈里却误以为继女落选,已带着丽贝卡先行离开。在此之后,丽贝卡被寄养在利瓦博罗的米兰达姑妈那里,严厉的姑妈禁止侄女在公众面前抛投露面唱歌。但这怎能抑制小女孩表演的天性呢?巧合的是,东尼的别墅刚好在米拉达家的隔壁。东尼和丽贝卡一拍即合,悄悄地在隔壁开始了丽贝卡独唱的广播……本片根据美国作家Kate Douglas Wiggin 1903年同名儿童文学改编。
免费1935-03-151935年掘金女郎In a luxury hotel stage director Nicoleff stages a show to get the money to pay his bills. Mrs. Prentiss, who is backing the show wants her daughter Ann to marry the millionaire T. Mosely Thorpe, but Ann falls in love with Dick Curtis, while Dick's girl friend marries Ann's brother Humbolt. But the hotel secretary Betty knows a way to avoid dificulties with old Mrs. Prentiss.