免费2011-04-08里约大冒险阿蓝(Jesse Eisenberg 配音)是一只世界上极其稀少的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,当他还是雏鸟时,便被可鄙的偷猎者从里约的热带丛林中掳到美国。阴差阳错,他变成了小女孩琳达的宠物,从此相伴多年,如今的阿蓝俨然一个养尊处优的宅男,甚至到忘记了如何飞行。某天,名叫图里奥(Rodrigo Santoro 配音)的鸟类学家经过琳达(Leslie Mann 配音)经营的书店,他被阿蓝所震惊,并希望能将阿蓝带回里约,与世上仅存的另外一只雌鸟繁衍后代。虽然心怀不安,但是考虑到蓝色金刚鹦鹉的命运,琳达还是带着阿蓝来到里约。阿蓝顺利见到了美丽的同类茱儿(Anne Hathaway 配音)。茱儿则一心逃离樊笼,回归大自然。与此同时,一伙犯罪分子盯上了这群可爱的小生灵……
VIP2021-07-06安妮特讲述一对好莱坞夫妇和他们的女儿安妮特的故事:丈夫亨利(亚当·德赖弗 Adam Driver 饰)是一位单口喜剧演员,妻子安则是一名歌剧明星(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰),而他们神秘的女儿安妮特,又拥有怎样不同寻常的人生呢?
VIP1945-01-01起锚(译制配音版)约瑟夫(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)是一名海军士兵,一场意外中,他救了一个名为克莱斯(弗兰克·辛纳特拉 Frank Sinatra 饰)的男人。约瑟夫的英勇壮举让他得到了为期四天的休假,这也就意味着,约瑟夫终于可以前往好莱坞,去见一见在那里的阔别已久的女朋友了。
免费1932-01-01公主艳史When Parisienne tailor Maurice Courtelin learns that one of his aristocratic clients, the Viscount Gilbert de Varèze, is a deadbeat who never pays for the merchandise he acquires, he heads off to try and collect what is owed to him. He gets little in the way of cash from the Viscount who is desperate that his uncle, the Duke D'Artelines not learn of his debts. He suggests that Maurice spend a little time at the chateau until the money can be found. The Duke takes an immediate liking to Maurice - who's been introduced as a Baron - but that's not the case for the Princess Jeanette who, after an encounter with him him on the road earlier that day. Over time Jeannette falls in love with him Written by garykmcd
免费2023-04-06爱乐骑士圣乔治骑士约瑟夫·布洛涅(小凯文·哈里森 Kelvin Harrison Jr. 饰)1745年出生在法属加勒比地区,是一名非洲奴隶和一名法国种植园主的私生子。他在法国社会中拥有其他黑人无法企及的地位,他既是小提琴家、作曲家,又是击剑冠军。他与一位法国贵妇拥有一段不幸爱情,同时也与玛丽·安托瓦内特及她的宫廷闹翻,这也致使他早逝。
免费1935-03-151935年掘金女郎In a luxury hotel stage director Nicoleff stages a show to get the money to pay his bills. Mrs. Prentiss, who is backing the show wants her daughter Ann to marry the millionaire T. Mosely Thorpe, but Ann falls in love with Dick Curtis, while Dick's girl friend marries Ann's brother Humbolt. But the hotel secretary Betty knows a way to avoid dificulties with old Mrs. Prentiss.