  • 免费2013-11-07魔鬼小提琴家帕格尼尼《魔鬼小提琴家帕格尼尼》讲述意大利小提琴演奏家和作曲家帕格尼尼的生活故事。
  • 免费2013-01-10推倒柏林墙《推倒柏林墙》:电影《推倒柏林墙》讲诉了二战后德国分裂,建了柏林墙,被分成了东德西德,柏林墙从而阻隔东西柏林之间市民的往来。直到有一天象征着分裂和冷战的柏林墙拆毁....
  • VIP2013-03-14少年伊戈尔与鹤一对分居已久的父亲和儿子被一只名叫卡尔的小鹤联系在了一起,他们追踪着卡尔所在的鹤群从俄罗斯一直到非洲。
  • VIP2013-01-01三小时For years, Martin has been working on his great play about cloud castles, flying pirates and a feisty princess. His secret role model for the leading character is his good friend Isabel, a cheeky young woman who is waging war on genetically modified seeds around the world. And she is leaving tomorrow to go to the middle of Africa for the next three years. Low and behold, Martin confesses his love to her at the departure desk. A confession which would have meant the world to Isabel some time ago, but now comes too late to change things. But then the flight is delayed for several hours. Isabel takes off into the city to talk to Martin, but he has disappeared...


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