VIP2010-04-30请给予 凯特从事着一份不能说的神秘职业,她低价收购二手商品,经过修缮后再将它们高价买到家具行,这份如履薄冰的职业让凯特随时有着被逮捕的危险。同时,凯特和丈夫之间的关系也渐渐的不再如从前般甜蜜美满。再加上那个让凯特头疼的拜金女儿,一时间凯特觉得自己从天堂坠入了地狱。凯特家的隔壁住着一个性格古怪的老太太安德拉(安·摩根·吉尔伯特 Ann Morgan Guilbert 饰),而这个故事就要从老太太之处开始说起。
免费2010-10-08说来有点可笑16岁的男孩克雷格(凯尔·吉克瑞斯特 饰)经常会想象自己的死亡,在尝试多种药物皆没有效果后,自己来到精神病院接受治疗。在那里,他和一个自杀了几次却没能死掉的神神叨叨的鲍比(扎克·加利费安纳基斯 饰)成了朋友,还认识了一个特别的女孩Noelle,当然还有许许多多的“非正常人”。他们几个在医院的生活中,渐渐寻回了生命的意义,尤其是鲍勃·迪伦的歌词“He Not Busy Being Born Is Busy Dying”给了他们巨大的力量,让他们重新拥有勇气去面对生活的压力。最后,出院的克雷格是否能让他原本阴霾密布的生活重见阳光,他又将通过怎样的方式找回轻松充实的生活?
免费2010-01-01十一岁的夏天电影《十一岁的夏天》(Summer Eleven)讲述了一群即将进入中学的十一岁女孩在她们最后一个暑假里的故事。 The poignant, coming of age story about a group of eleven year old girls in their final summer before middle school. Four inseparable 11-year-old girls share the last summer before middle school in this charming coming of age story. Vanessa (Alice Ziolkoski in her award-winning performance) is an aspiring actress up for her first feature film. Lizzie (Meaghan Hughes) tries to help her brother adjust to life at home after he returns from the war. Jess (Sarah Butterworth) struggles to cope with her parents' separation.Peri (Sydney Fox), the new girl, hides a desperate secret. But as the summer unfolds, each girl finds the strength to face each challenge kno wing that best friends are always there for you . . . no matter what. Emmy-winners Adam Arkin and Valerie Mahaffey (Northern Exposure) costar in this uplifting film the Heartland Film Festival hailed as "Incredible . . .inspiring . . . excellent for families."