  • VIP2011-06-10超能游戏者(普通话)迪蒙、道克、马科斯、伊恩、蚊子和瑞塔夫获得了全国电子竞技的冠军。作为奖品,每个人都获得了沃特斯公司的最新电脑游戏的光碟。沃特斯公司名义上是一家顶级的电子竞技公司,实际上正在培养自己的武装力量,计划从政府手中夺过核元素的控制权!迪蒙这些人在使用新的游戏光盘之后被注入一种神奇的力量。令他们想象不到的是,他们正在卷入一个巨大的阴谋。
  • VIP2011-01-01污垢化为灰烬,肉体化为灰尘Purge: To put to death, eliminate what is undesirable. The serial killer known as Purge lived and died by this code. But is he dead? Driving home from a road trip, ERIC and SHELLY take a back road to avoid a traffic jam. They encounter the serial killer Purge. Eric survives but Shelly is murdered. A year later, a group of adventure-seeking high school grads venture to purge's lair. Among them is Eric's brother JUAN. Eric sets out to save his brother, and get revenge on Purge. For the six teens, their imperfections will be the deciding factor if Purge shows them mercy. But if everyone is imperfect, will any of them survive?
  • VIP2011-01-01子夜心跳该片讲述了章艳敏饰演的叶青在潜心的创作小说《子夜心跳》时,为了找到灵感,创作出更精彩的续集,而与陈思璇所饰演的助理肖菲菲以及她的未婚夫周承恩到了叶家的老宅。渐渐的叶青发现自己小说中的情节,居然在现实的生活中出现,一件件惊悚诡异的事件也就此拉开了序幕,而她也陷入到了一场阴谋当中……


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